Category Archives: Random Katness

Cozumel, Day 12

Solidly successful shopping!

We take two cars so we’re not jammed, and as Kat has a couple of other shopping areas after the main group one. While Kayla’s feeling better, she stays back with Jason and Griffin.

We find parking side-by-side—a good omen. And after a slightly nervous me—I’m the only one in the group who’s been shopping, and my sense of direction sucks wide—leads the way, we find shops.

And a rock shop! As a group, we love rocks!

Everyone finds something. I have a lovely, tumbled hunk of carnelian to take home.

A pair of parrots. Photo by Nora.

We see parrots! I take a photo, but Kat poses for one, and gets to hold one. Very cool.

True #randomkatness captured by j a-b.

Then there’s a hand-crafted store with bags and belts and wallets—the leather smells amazing. With jewelry and pretty bits and bobs.

Logan negotiates, and very successfully. He assists JR in bargaining. I do my own, also with satisfaction. Another store, more success, than another yet. I have completed my personal shopping goal.

I will say, since he was just a little guy, Logan has had great taste in gifts.

He comments it’s interesting to be in a place where English isn’t the first language. I so agree.

Yet another stop, yet more bargaining and purchases.

BW, Colt, JR head back with our bags, (there are many) and Kat, Logan and I venture into another area looking for a pottery venue. Logan navigates, and while we find the place, it turns out to be a kind of food court rather than pottery.

But Kat finds a pineapple from a tiny fruit stand. She is very skilled in cutting fresh pineapple.

Off we go to park at the Mega—there’s a tiny shop we noted directly across the street with gorgeous bowls, hand painted, wood. A delightful shop keeper—she calls Logan Skinny-Minnie Boy (she’s not wrong!), and she has a little girl about Griffin’s age. The offerings are just beautiful. BW has hoped I’d find something I liked for our upcoming anniversary.

I oblige him and select three, various sizes, all gorgeous art. Kat finds some for gifts. I get Kayla a tee-shirt, and Logan points out the purple is her school color. The shopkeeper tells us we made her day.

The little girl brings newspaper to her mama to wrap the bowls.

Back to the car to lock up the bags and do a round in the Mega for more supplies.

Then home again after a job well done.

And fresh pineapple. Kat chose very well!

Some swimming. Griffin is doing simply great in the pool. I think he wore Colt out. I really enjoy seeing him motoring around in the water, secure in his bright yellow floaty jacket.

We decide on Italian for dinner.

Griffin conks in the car on the way in. Swimming will do that.

He sleeps on Daddy at the table for awhile.

The server not only remembers us, but what we drink. That’s a memory! Kayla soothes herself with potato soup. I go for spaghetti. BW orders a glass of Merlot, and after I take a sip, and order one for myself. Very smooth.

A pretty evening with the humongo cruise ships out in the water, and a pretty sail boat that eventually tacks its way closer.

Sailboat and sunset. Photo by Kat.
Kayla’s sunset.

And another fine meal.

Back for relaxing, then a challenging game of Chase—which also now includes Freeze. But I’m not arrested, so that’s something.

I go to bed a free woman.

Another pretty morning, too. Yesterday we had big puffy clouds with layers that looked etched. Today smaller ones. And I hear a pair of birds that sounds like they’re cursing each other.

It’s about time to go work out. I think there’s hope for the water park today. Apparently there’s a twenty-foot water slide.

Not, by any means whatsoever, for me!


In case they forgot where they are. Photo by Kat.

Cozumel, Day 11

Down the beach. Photo by BW

Plans for the water park are scotched for reasons. First, hey, it’s closed on Tuesday. And weather’s rolling in, at least from the look of the sulky gray sky.

Add our Kayla appears to have picked up whatever Kat had this time last week. When I go over for a Nana check she feels warm. Not scary hot, but low-grade fever time. And her throat’s scratchy. She’s hungry, and when all she wants is dry toast, I know she’s feeling pretty punky.

JR’s looking after her, and after an abortive first attempt—toaster oven acted wonky, burned the bottom of the toast—we manage toast. Nana delivers.

Since Colt also wants toast, Jason gathers a list as that’ll take care of the sliced bread. He’ll get some ginger ale, some veggie broth and whatever else we need. He is our Mega Store King.

Turns out I have some emails to deal with, and some business from home on a couple fronts.

For some reason I remain free from jail all day!

I decide, what the hell, I’ll bring down my laptop and work awhile on the patio.

BW and Kat decide to head out for an adventure. I opened the accordion doors and between me and Jason and whatever game Griffin’s into on his iPad he’s well looked after.

From Kat and BW’s adventure. Photo by BW

He asks me for more chips, please. And I have a slice of last night’s pizza which is just fine.

JR comes over for ginger ale and veggie broth for our sick girl. So she’s well looked after, too.

I pull out an old favorite I brought along in case I ran out of new books. So there’s Mary Stewart’s classic Arthurian tale, The Crystal Cave. It never, ever fails to capture me by page one, no matter how many times I read it.

Where shall we go? From BW & Kat’s adventure. Photo by BW.

BW and Kat return, very cheerful from their trip to the lighthouse, and some impromptu shopping. Kat has a cool new hat.

Lighthouse. Photo by BW.
Inner working of the lighthouse. Photo by BW.
Kat’s new hat. Photo by BW.

We discuss dinner plans. JR will go with us, but though Kayla feels better, she opts out. Nana makes her scrambled eggs and toast—with butter this time.

We head into town to revisit the first restaurant we tried. When we use the garage at the Mega Store, Griffin says: Blue Cupcake Store!

He forgets nothing.

As Logan ate two pb&js right before we left, he settles for some tortilla soup. BW and Kat both try lime soup, and both approve. I go for the lobster and yum!

My two for one margaritas go very well with it.

Back home for ice cream and more games.

So we’re entertained until bedtime.

Morning’s sunny and blue, so bodes well for our planned group shopping. Jason and Griffin will pass, but the rest of us—hopefully Kayla, too—will head out shortly.

My workout’s done, and bacon’s made.

Not sure what will catch my eye today, but Kat and I saw some very cool bowls and dishes yesterday right before dinner.


And, in an homage to trips past, some #randomkatness

Tuscany – Day 20

Jason, Kat and Kayla head out to Pisa, and Griffin invites me to sit and watch a morning video. It’s a clear day, and will be hot—but not quite the triple digits hot. The boy doesn’t notice his mother’s not there for awhile, then he gets up, wanders into the kitchen. I know he’s looking for her. He’ll usually call out: Mommy? Where are you? But today, he just looks. Then one of the cleaning crew comes in—she has dark hair like Kat, worn pulled up as Kat often does.

I can see for an instant he thinks it’s Kat, then realizes, nope, not Mom. But he decides she’s worthy of attention. Since the pandemic, he’s been very wary of strangers, but he likes the look of this one, so follows her around, chatters at her. She’s amused and chatters back. The toddler English and the adult Italian don’t seem to matter in this cheerful conversation. Then she walks over to our dining room Start/Finish line, and he assumes: Race, and gives her butt a little nudge.

Dormant bath in wall with green. Photo by Nora.

She is even more amused, and I’m delighted when he doesn’t back off when she crouches down, touches him and they converse in their different languages.

I race with him as she’s busy, then Grandda joins. Now it’s chase and catch Grandda time.

But when the second housekeeper comes in, he decides she looks interesting, too. And when the pair of them start up the stairs, he’s happy to believe this is a race. Up the stairs. Race Up! So up we go, trailing the two housekeepers into Kayla’s room.

They work around him as he jogs in a circle, babbles, then climbs on the bed to jump and bounce. We have a fairly dignified pillow fight on Kayla’s bed, pretend to sleep. Back down he finds one of the buckets with cleaning products interesting, and I must explain: That’s not yours. Fine then, back to videos and the occasional race. Then a break to play trucks before lunch.

I puzzle and BW reads while he eats.

He’s truly good as gold and very entertaining throughout the day.

It’s a long trip for the adventurers, and they bring back many stories and pictures. After the drive, lunch—which given the rest they think should’ve been reversed.

[Presenting photos from Pisa, captions from Laura. Any errors are mine. ~L]

Alfa Romeo. Photo by Kat.
The Tower. Photo by j-ab.
Fallen Angel. Photo by j a-b.
A pano of the entire Piazza del Miracoli. From l: Pisa Baptistry, Pisa Cathedral, the Campanile (Leaning Tower). Photo by j a-b.
The crowds around the tower. Photo by Kayla.
Dramatic biblical moment. Photo by Kat.
Pisa Mandevilla. Photo by Kat.
Coat of arms. Photo by Kat.

The climb up the Leaning Tower is circular and tilted—with my tendencies toward motion sickness and vertigo, I suspect I wouldn’t make it. Kat has a little trouble, and from the interior pictures I can see why. But they make it to the top and the spectacular view. And after time admiring it, documenting it and regaining some balance, down again.

Look WAY up. Photo by Kayla.
The view from the Tower. Photo by j a-b.
A selection of bells at the top of the Tower. Photo by j a-b.
Intrepid climbers overlooking Pisa. Photo by j a-b.
Looking down into Pisa. Photo by j a-b.

On the way back they spot a winery that looks like a castle—and we may adventure there. Though Kayla doesn’t like wine, she’d like to visit a winery here. I like wine, and would also enjoy a visit.

For dinner we just raid the fridge and pantry—there’s plenty to go around.

And it’s time to Chase And Catch Grandda again.

Mother/Son Chillaxing. Photo by Dad.

Then sit outside in the shade of the back yard, relax while Griffin plays with water, pouring—intensely—from pitcher to bowl, through the net bag that held a kind of Ferris wheel toy, and all over him.

Pre-bed pool time. Photo by Kat.

An evening swim for Kat and Griffin, another spectacular sunset.

Silhouettes in setting sun. Photo by j a-b.
Sunset with flower. Photo by Nora.
Filmy clouds post sunset. Photo by Kat.
La Luna is growing. Photo by Nora.

Cloudy and cooler this morning. Chain Saw Man was busy earlier, but must be taking a well-deserved break.

I’ll get my workout in, then I suspect plans will depend on the weather.


In today’s #randomkatness

Nine-spotted moth spotted by Kat.

Plus this beauty.

I’m going to call this #randomhatness. Photo by j a-b.

Tuscany – Day 18

Morning mist. Photo by Nora.

First, for those of you wondering why we don’t/hoping we will walk down to see what Chain Saw Man is building, an explanation.

We’re on a hilltop here, overlooking the valley with more forested hills to the east and west. CSM is somewhere—best we can tell—on a ridge to the west, within one of the dense forests. We can’t see him, only hear.

No way to walk down anywhere from here as the first step would be a doozy!—which is why we have stone walls to prevent tumbling off the hill. Plus he’s not `down’ there, he’s over on another hill somewhere. I can see a vineyard on the top of the hill to our right—the west—and what looks like a dirt road going down, but even with all the sounds of building, we never see any movement.

Don’t know where he is, and there’s a lot going on over there this pretty Sunday morning. Sawing, hammering, and the first time I hear the sound of a vehicle. A tractor, maybe? A small bulldozer? Not sure, as it’s just not visible. I just heard a tree go down, and I was looking in that general direction, but didn’t see one fall.


Command Center request for an actual photo of the huge rosemary plant mentioned back on the first day at the villa fulfilled! Nora provides scale. Photo by Nora’s iPad.

After work out, I join the family for a pleasant time in what’s sort of our sitting room/Griffin’s play room. The cleaning crew’s doing what must be their Saturday ritual, and that’s thorough, so we’re staying out of their way as much as possible. Kayla appears late morning as she’s spent some Face Time with her guy as he and his family are leaving for a cruise and they won’t be able to talk for about a week.

Busy boy. Photo by Kat.

We think to visit the shop in the village, then make a quick hit on the market for fresh strawberries and what Kat needs to make cookies.

Daddy stays back with Griffin, and off we go.

Sadly the shops are closed. I guess Saturday isn’t a big hunt through shops day in Barbarino. So with Kat as our driver and tour guide we head to the big COOP—like chicken coop. There are two—one big, one small—we want the big one as there’s a better chance they’ll have Kayla’s oat milk.

We also score, to our satisfaction, chocolate chips, and to my pleasure, two bottles of Veuve.

Unlike the shops in Barbarino, the COOP is a madhouse. It’s interesting looking for specifics, identifying flour, brown sugar and so on when it’s not in the packaging you’re used to and in another language. Like a hunt, and we become skilled hunters.

Home we go, me to make frozen margaritas, Kat to make cookies.

The reason for margaritas needs no explanation, but the cookies?

Griffin is fond of Chips Ahoy—only the chewy ones, red package. He’s used to being offered a cookie or two daily, so his parents brought along what they thought would last through our Italian adventures. However, there are more of us offering those cookies (often as bribes, of which I am a firm proponent).

He’s running out. We have substituted what he calls cookie cake—some sort of Twinkie looking thing without the filling but with tiny chocolate chips. This was Kayla score, but she shares. Kat’s decided to try to reproduce cookies that meet Griffin’s Chewy Chips Ahoy taste bar.

I’m going to make strawberry margaritas for Kayla and Jason, and for me, a purist, regular. BW can have either. I need cookie-baking Kat’s guidance on the machine to start. But soon I’m juicing and measuring (mostly eyeballing as measuring tools are scarce) slicing and blending. And produce pretty strawberry margs while Kat makes the world’s smallest batch of cookies (it’s a test batch, after all).

Then what I consider a real frozen marg. And I fear I’ll never use margarita mix for anything but marinating chicken and fish again. Fresh is so much better.

Hummus plate for Kayla courtesy of Kat. Photo by BW.

In her cook’s mode, Kat makes hummus for Kayla and presents a lovely tray. BW, Kayla and I sit out, BW and I with our second margaritas and some cheese and crackers, Kayla with her hummus tray, and enjoy the view and the sunshine.

Inside, the kitchen smells like fresh cookies, and a few sit out cooling—bigger than the standard Chips Ahoy. Back in the sitting room we learn Griffin took one from Daddy, had a bite, made a disillusioned face and handed it to his mom.

But then went back, took Daddy’s cookie, had some more. I’m too full of margaritas and cheese for cookies, but BW had one. Kat has another culinary success.

Lovely day. Photo by j a-b.

It’s game time. Kat v Kayla on the ever-popular Mario Cart. Danger Guy is dangering on the sofa below the screen. I take the other sofa and a bat nap.

We plan to try the other restaurant in the village—recommended for its pizza. It doesn’t open until 7:30, so we head out about 7:15. Griffin plays a game with me and Kayla, closes the gate behind us, guards it. We pretend to beg to come in. He opens it a crack, peeks out. This keeps us entertained.

Peeking through. Photo by Kayla.

We also discover the old door across the road sort of built into the wall of the hill isn’t locked. Inside a kind of small cave are big old wine jugs and baskets. I don’t know why.

Door. Photo by Kayla.
Old bottle recepticle. Photo by Kayla.

Shops still closed in the village, and we learn our intended destination is fully booked for Saturday night. We go next door where we had dinner Friday, elect the street patio area.

Kayla and I are going to split a salad to start—what I thought would be a smallish Isalada Mista, that turns out to be huge with tons of roasted veggies. We make a spare plate of tons of roasted veggies to take home for tomorrow’s Sunday morning omelettes (by Kat).

Then there’s pizza, pasta, wine. We don’t lack for conversation. Kayla remembers I can find a song containing almost any word you can throw out. My father could do it. So words are tossed, and Kat says I’m faster than Google. But, I admit, chocolate stumped me. Jason Googles and finds many. None of which I recognized.

Cappuccino, lemoncello—and then they bring us a complimentary dolci, a pretty crepe with many forks.

Dessert with forks. Photo by Kayla.

On the waddle back, we make a reservation at the other place for Tuesday night, so we’ll now compare food and service.

The view of the sky, that thumbnail moon, the red glow at the horizon, from the parking lot is just awesome. Which may be why they have a platform you can go up to to enhance that view.

Home for a last sit out and bask for me, then bed.

Rosy horizon. Photo by BW.
Evening family shot. Photo by BW.
Day is done. Photo by j a-b.
Kayla-approved shot by her Nana.

We plan a Sunday dinner at home tonight. I’m going to make roasted, herbed-up potatoes—a crowd fave. We have salad makings, broccoli, cheese, bread, left-overs.

I may write awhile after my work out, or sit and read—or watch what I assume will be more Mario Cart competition.

What I think was a big gray cat just dashed up and away. At least I hope it was a cat as I only got a glimpse out of the corner of my eye. We’ve seen a little black and white one in the bushes outside the gate, so I’m going with another cat.

Chain Saw Man continues his work, and I think everyone else is still sleeping.

I predict another fine day in Tuscany.


And in today’s #randomkatness (cooking division):

A boy with his fishing pole in front of the moon. Food art by Kat, photo by j a-b.

Tuscany – Day 15

The cloudy start. Photo by Nora.

A cool, breezy, cloudy start turns into a beautiful day. My new workout spot and water bottles do just fine. As I’m finishing up with stretches, BW comes out with his drone to take some aerial shots. Apparently, in one of them a very tiny me is doing a split-leg forward fold.

The villa from above. BW is at top of the stairs, guiding the drone. Nora’s near the bottom of the stairs in split forward fold.

Everyone’s up and about, the daily cleaning crew’s on the job. I place a few more puzzle pieces before heading up to change.

Jason, BW and Kayla are heading out maybe to see a nearby ghost town, and a dome of some sort. I’m going to work awhile, and Kat wants a day at home. When I join her, there’s a bit more puzzling and hanging out time with the best dil in the history thereof and my youngest grandkid.

Then the gang’s back with stories of skinny, bumpy roads, going off road, amazing views and vineyards. They skipped the ghost town this trip. Lots of lots of pictures to show off—and lunch happens. Kayla makes a very pretty cheese board—just the thing!

The gorgeous day. Photo by j a-b.
A dome. Photo by BW.
Snapping the vineyard views. Photo by j a-b.
Photo shoot. Photo by j a-b.
Change of photographer. Photo by j a-b.
Grapes on the vine. Photo by Kayla.
Kayla’s new charcuterie creation. Photo by Kayla.

More game playing, more puzzling. How about a Bellini—don’t mind if I do.

Maybe a little more work since the puzzle’s reached the point of the all white llama and it’s making my eyes cross.

Getting closer… Photo by Kayla.

When I start to shut down, the screen freezes. It won’t let me save the work, won’t let me back up the work, won’t even let me just exit. SHY-OAT! (Griffin’s work for SHIT!)

But who is right here but my personal IT whiz. And Jason saves the work, my nerves and the day. Whew.

Kat and Jason are taking dinner orders, going to the market, getting take-out. Since Griffin has no interest in going with them, he stays back with us. Kat is his person, so it’s a very good thing she can go off without him.

One view in Barberino. Photo by Kat.
Another view in Barberino. Photo by Kat.

At some point he surfaces from his video and asks: Where’s Mommy?

Kayla says: Oh, she’s at the store. She’ll be back.

He accepts, and also accepts her challenge to a race.

We have many races and chases and jumping and hiding. Kayla becomes his person, and when she says she’s going in for water—and because the bugs are devouring her—he just takes her hand and says: Go back.

This doesn’t mean, in Griffin-speak, go inside. It means go back to what we’re doing, sister. Which is racing.

I get water for both my grandbabies.

She does manage to sneak off after a bit, and I become his person. And that person’s grateful he’s tired of racing so we can play other games. Sit on the grass and pick clover, crumble dry leaves. I catch on to the new Breezeway Game where he stands on one side of the glass, positions me on the other, and we put our faces close, laugh and squeal, then switch places. And do it again. And again.

Jason and Kat are back with food. We’re trying a hot dog for Griffin who is very picky about hot dogs. The first hot dog he ever had happened to be organic, and he very much liked. Jason picked up Oscar Meyer thereafter, and the boy was like: What is this? Are you trying to poison me? I don’t believe this dog was organic—and had cheese inside.

He was just fine with it.

We’re all just fine with our choices, and finish up right before the glory of the sunset. The best one yet. A long slow drop of the sun behind the western hills, a long, long spread of rosy light along the horizon, and such a lovely glow in the sky.

Sunset, Jason edition.
Sunset, Nora edition.
Nora capturing the sunset. Photo by j a-b
Post sunset glow, BW edition.

Even after the sky goes dark, that thin line of rose holds and holds.

This morning I grab a sweater before I come down—good thing as it’s another cool start to the day. There’s a blue, cloudless sky, and hammering down where Chain Saw Man is doing whatever he’s doing. A dove calls, insistently.

I don’t know what plans—if any—there are for today. Well, I plan to do a little laundry after I work out. I need Kat—who’s already done some—to show me how to work the washing machine. Other than that, we’ll see what comes.


Today’s #randomkatness (or the many skills of #katgyver)

Kat’s whetstone. Photo by Nora.

Florence – Day 9

Some mat work on the terrace before getting some laundry going then finishing my Spenser novel. All satisfying.

Random headless torso selfie (as one does). Photo by Kayla.

I start condensing my shopping and manage to cut the bags about in half. More satisfaction.

Then out we go for lunch to fuel up before some target specific shopping. For the second half I’m mostly along for the ride, as my Christmas gift list is complete!!

On our way we spot some writing on a wall. It looks like maybe a poem, by Marie. Jason uses his phone to try to translate. Turns out to be a very angry poem—with lines something like: I want to like you, but I’m full of hate.

Marie had issues.

I thought it was a view of the restaurant next door, then realized it was of the plant (and half of Jason). Photo by Nora.

We decide on our usual piazza and enjoy a meal under cloudy skies. Kat orders her first pizza of the trip (she’s had samples), and wonders why she waited so long. Between ordering and eating, she takes Griffin off for his pre-lunch Stroller Adventure.

Look up! Nora edition. Photo by Nora.

Another school field trip marches and sings its way by. They’re so cute!! And this must be a regular thing. Our waiter remembers us from our last visit, even what table we sat at prior. We must be memorable!

Some of those clouds drip a bit, but nothing major.

Lunch. Photo by BW.
Kayla’s lunch. Photo by Kayla.

Kayla has her I Went To Italy And You Didn’t gifts to scout out for her brothers, and we have a handful of things to get at the market. I also want to buy BW a new pair of sunglasses as part of an anniversary gift—it’s coming right up.

He will deny this, but it is a TRUE FACT. Roughly 30 years ago—that’s three decades—I bought him a pair of Armani sunglasses for some occasion. He still has them. Feel free to state in the comments if you’ve also managed to hold onto a pair of sunglasses for three decades.

There is no prize but your own satisfaction and my sincere astonishment.

They’re still in pretty good shape—though one of the nose things is gone (could be fixed).

So the group hangs together for the first bit.

We find a pair he likes at the first stop. Armani again—the man is brand loyal. Now we’ll see if he can keep them for 30 years.

New and old Armani. Photo by Nora.

Wander on, and Kayla spies something she think Colt will enjoy, and we agree. Wander on, and surprisingly (because he’s tougher) she sees something Logan should enjoy, and we agree.

Mission accomplished!

Signage set in stone. Photo by Nora.

BW, Kat and Griffin have left the field, but we happy few keep going. Jason buys a Birth Of Venus puzzle for the second half of our trip. Fun! Kayla spies a shop with many cute little things. And there we find a #1 trophy for Griffin. At 3 Euro it’s no massive Pitti Palace urn but we hope he’ll like it.

Home again, and the trophy does make Griffin grin.

Foot up for awhile. It really does seem better. I won’t be racing with Griffin for awhile yet, but I do think better.

Griffin wants the TV—which means the Switch. Kat and Kayla accommodate, let him choose the games.

Intense gaming to Griffin’s delight. Photo by BW.

This one?


This one?


This one?

This one.

Baseball—he laughs heartily on outs and strikes. Boxing. POW! Tank battles—and this is entertaining to the point he all but busts a gut at every explosion, and can barely get out his: Try Again.

An intense trio. Photo by Nora.

BW calls our contact for our next home to confirm all arrangements. We learn through her—what our housekeeper had told us (in Italian) that tomorrow is a holiday in Florence. A celebration of its patron saint, John The Baptist. And tomorrow night includes fireworks at the river. Expect a huge crowd.

We will skip the crowd and hope to catch some of the fireworks from our terrace.

We play, read, putz around until about seven then head out for dinner. Stroller adventures include Kat pretending to nearly run into parked bikes.

Selfie with splatter paintings. Photo by BW.

I really want the sea bass. Since it’s grilled, I imagine a fillet. I should’ve known, really it’s not the first time, and I should’ve known. It comes proudly on a plate, head and tail included. No, just can’t. The waiter cheerfully takes it away to remove said head and tail.

It’s lovely, and of course, too much. Big fish! But I can share some with BW.

Another most excellent meal. Kayla heads back with Kat and Griffin, and my guys and I wander back with a planned stop of gelato. I want a small cone, but end up with a medium. It’s so much. And so good. I manage about half of it on our walk home, and still don’t know how BW could finish his and the rest of mine.

Jason got a sensible small cup.

Hang out awhile, discuss tomorrow. Two o’clock tickets to the Academia.

I’m going to try a short cardio workout. My foot seems to do better when I move on it now, so we’ll see. Then it’s packing. Kayla and I will travel to our next destination with the luggage while the others head to the airport to pick up the two cars we’ve booked, then drive to meet us.

I expect we’ll head out to lunch before The David, see some of the holiday festivities and crowds on our last day in Florence. It’s been my third trip here, and I hope to come back again.


In today’s #randomkatness: hook and address editing.

Florence – Day 8

Morning terrace time for me until our happy group’s ready to head out. Before we do, I walk in our Kat and our housekeeper discussing the dishwasher. This discussion is in Italian on the housekeeper’s part. It’s adorable to watch (even join in a little) as they communicate, or try, in two different languages. With some help from Google Translate on Kat’s phone.

Everyone’s cheerful about it, and somehow the gist of the issue gets across.

We part ways with Kat and Griffin as the rest of us aim for the Duomo. Lots of other people have the same idea, but the line’s not as long—plus it’s moving at a good pace.

Look up! Photo by Kayla.

It’s beautiful, the vivid colors in the stained glass windows, the elegance of marble, the towering ceilings. I imagine attending Mass there would be an experience. The smaller chapels on the sides are closed off to the public right now, and that’s a shame because I remember them as really lovely.

Candles lit. Photo by BW.

I love the look of the groupings of flickering candles, and have to hit BW up for a two Euro coin as I’ve forgotten my little change purse—again—so I can light one.

Soaring ceilings. Photo by j a-b
Altar. Photo by BW.

We leave the flickering light and quiet of the Duomo for the bold sun and crowds. Kayla missed breakfast, so why not think about lunch? Maybe a new place, new area. BW thinks of the area with the carousel, and that could be fun. A text to Kat to give her our direction, and I follow along, as I have no idea how to get where we’re going.

And here we are at the big piazza with its happy carousel and several restaurants to choose from. And here, almost as we arrive, are Kat and Griffin. We choose a big, open-air place and settle in. Our choice bustles with the lunch crowd, with family groups like ours. Kayla spies a huge calzone going by on a plate and wants one for her own. Pizza, pasta, wine, Fantas, water both still and sparkling.

Kayla’s calzone—just sauce and cheese for our vegetarian—is the biggest I’ve ever seen, and that lean, lanky girl does it justice. It’s sort of amazing. And oh, to have that metabolism!

Calzone bigger than the plate. Photo by Kayla.
More sedate pasta. Photo by BW.

We top off lunch with a trip on the carousel. We figure fifty-fifty that Griffin will go for it, but he does, and has a very happy ride with Mommy, with his cousin on a horse behind them.

Grandda captures the fun. Video by BW.
She’s thrilled to pose! Photo by Nora.

As we start to wander back—some for a quick market trip—Kayla reminds me of a very specific shop where she has a very specific gift in mind, so we split off. I have complete confidence in her ability to get us to the shop, then get us home.

It’s not misplaced.

It’s fun to watch her shop as she always has a vision for what the recipient likes, will enjoy, and she finds just the thing.

And look here, another shop just next door. Platform Converse! In we go as this gives Nana a very specific gift for Christmas for her girl. I would also love a pair, but my toe will strongly object to the trying on process. Another time for me. So white platform Converse and a pair of pretty Nike’s will be tucked away in the One More Room until Christmas.

Christmas gift goal met. Photo by Nora.

Kayla sweetly buys her Nana a raspberry gelato. And oh, my, my!

Home again where our gang is spread out through the flat. Foot up while I catch up on what’s happening in the world on my tablet. It’s mostly not good, so maybe I’ll crush some candy instead.

And maybe I’ll just stretch out here while Kat and Kayla (with Griffin an enthusiastic audience) go through many Mario games on the Switch. It’s a happy way to pass a couple hours. To add to the gaming adventure, Griffin likes to climb on the arm or back of the sofa then leap down on it. With sound effects.

Danger is his business.

This gives Nana palpitations, so she stops watching.

Griffin requests toast. Then more toast. Danger is also a hungry business.

Before long, it’s after seven and time to go out and find a spot for dinner. Continuing the danger theme Kat swerves and jiggles the stroller to entertain Griffin while we walk a narrow, empty street toward a piazza.

Danger Guy isn’t happy when we all settle down at a table. What kind of adventure is this??? DG must be on the move! So his partner gives Jason her order, and off they go.

Salads and soups—minestrone—pesto pasta, spaghetti bolognese, chicken parm-and some grilled chicken for the adventuring boy.

Dinner time! Photo by BW.

A breeze comes up, becomes a light wind. And that’s lovely for a solid, relaxing meal.

Now a day of Danger and Adventure has tired DG out. Bedtime, he says, hopefully. As someone who raised toddlers I find it amazing he’s not only willing, but hopeful to call it a day.

His parents take him off to make this happen while the rest of us linger a bit longer.

By the time we get back, Daddy’s finished his part of the nighttime ritual, and Kat’s not far behind. Danger Guy is down and out.

Kat sits and knits. She’s making knitted—soft yarn—breast inserts for women who’ve had mastectomies. [Ed note: for more info go to Knitted Knockers.]

Kayla’s using her phone to research and help plan a weekend birthday trip for her younger brother—Lego Land (Lego World?) in NY. Colt will be 12, and as she says, he never asks for anything. She Face Times him to make sure this is something he wants, so we all get to say hi.

Between FT and texts back and forth with their mom—and to Kayla’s boyfriend who’ll join them—the trip’s planned. The girl is good.

And now it’s bedtime even for those of us who try to avoid danger.

Quiet this morning as Griffin hasn’t yet joined me. It may be that he woke somewhere in the middle of the night and tried to talk his parents into a party. It happens.

Since cardio’s still off the table, I may try some mat work, then that morning terrace time.

Don’t know what, if anything, on the agenda for today. We’ll take it as it comes.


Today’s #randomkatness/Street Art Division.

And #kaylaseesasign (2!)

Florence – Day 4

Since we don’t head out until about noon, our plan is: Duomo, lunch, shopping. Kat and Griffin will catch up with us at lunch as navigating Duomo crowds with a stroller and toddler seems unwise.

Afternoon light at Palazzo Vecchio with outside David. Photo by Kayla.

We’ve got a bright, hot day, and a pleasant if seriously crowded walk. I hadn’t taken Saturday into the equation, figuring for tourists every day is Saturday. But when we arrive at the Duomo, we find this is clearly false as the line to get in stretches, stretches, wraps and goes on.

On the shady side of the street. Photo by Nora.
Dress day. Photo by BW
Look up! Photo by Kayla.

Though it’s moving reasonably well, we decide to try on a weekday. I imagine with Covid, they’ve limited the access—only so many inside at a time. So lunch after a little shop wandering sounds good.

The intrepid Kat and the much-more-rested Griffin find us, no problem.

Alternate use for a bottle opener. Photo by Kat.

After last night’s feast, I opt for a salad, and it’s just the thing. It’s a lively outdoor spot under a canvas roof with misters whirling to beat the heat. I’m fine with the heat, but the misters are lovely. When I order a glass of wine, the waiter asks if I’m over 18–and tells BW he’s a lucky man.

Lunch alfresco. Photo by Nora.
Nora and Kat. Photo by Nora.
Perfect plate. Photo by Kayla.

Guess who’s going to get a very nice tip!

More wandering—it really is a pretty day—then gelato!

Daily Gelato. Photo by Kayla.

It’s the girls and Griffin for shopping time. We have purchases to pick up at the leather shop, and Kat has somehow remembered a shoe shop I really liked on our last visit—nine years, but she remembers. And I score some pretty red sandals while Kat scores another gift.

I’ve been steadily crossing off names on my Christmas list and feel I’ve done a good shopping job in that area. We poke here, poke there, and I now have targets for the rest of my list.

Lego Vespa. Photo by Kayla.

We wind our way back home for a lazy early evening, and decide to put our leftovers together for a dinner on our terrace. The always dependable Jason heads out to the market for a couple things, and Kat and I organize our smorgasbord. BW’s working on photos on the second floor, Kayla’s watching TicTok on her phone, and Griffin’s very entertained with videos on his IPad. As every toddler ever he can watch the same thing a dozen times with equal hilarity.

Abduction of a Sabine Woman by Giambologna. Photo by BW
Slow reveal at Palazzo Vecchio. Video by BW.
Palazzo Vecchio. Photo by BW

I enjoy he likes to share that hilarity and often join him so we can give each other amazed looks, echo each other’s WOWs! Or Oh Nos!

The whole gang joins in on getting plates, etc, and we lay out our spread. A little meat? You got it. Some pasta, no problem. Pizza’s right here. Plenty of salad and veg. There’s music playing somewhere, and that drifts up. Bells ring, dusk slides in.

Buffet dinner at the flat. Photo by Nora.

A perfect little family meal.

Kat and Kayla deal with clean up, so I’ll have another glass of wine, enjoy some conversation with my guys, and amuse myself with Griffin.

Griffin decides to amuse himself with Kayla and challenges her to the evening race. Or it may be a chase tonight as Kat turns out to be his home base while the foyer stands as finish line. I join in for awhile. Then it’s back to the iPad for Griffin, Nana and Kayla where he clicks and swipes ten-twenty second previews with abandon.

His parents issue his One-More-Episode warning before bedtime. But he’s crafty and doesn’t settle on one, just click, swipe, laugh or Oh No! He does understand the rule, however, and when it’s bedtime, goes off without a fuss.

I’m not far behind him.

We’re heading out early (for us) today to explore the Pitti Palace and its amazing gardens. Fond memories here, and it’ll be nice to make new ones with Kayla and Griffin along.

After that, we’ll see what the day offers.


And now, a selection of photos that didn’t fit the narrative – Laura

In the lobby of the building – as per BW. Photo by BW
Palazzo Vecchio, Bruce’s version. Photo by BW.
Moody view. Photo by j a-b

And of course, some #randomkatness – which is more random? You decide.

Truly, #randomkatness. Or is it #randomartinflorence? Photo by Kat.
Astrological belt. Photo by Kat.

Florence – Day 2

Some of us pop awake, others stagger, but eventually we’re all up, and it’s time to roll out of here. Our first goal today is the Duomo. Lots of walking and window shopping along the way. I love the narrow streets, the cobblestones, the sun-washed colors of the buildings with their impressive doors.

Look up! Photo by Kayla.

Then those streets open up, and The Duomo dominates the world with its massive beauty. The white rise of it with its soft rose and green marble, the stunning detail work of carvings, the glorious red-roofed dome. And with the sky a perfect summer blue it’s just magic.

Roar. Photo by Kayla.

It’s closed to visitors today, but we walk around it, and we’ll go back. And for now we can just admire the glory of it, take in the spectacular gold doors of the Baptistry.

On we walk and admire the artists and their paintings lined up . Kayla chooses a beauty for a gift—a very good eye.

Signage. Photo by Kayla.

On we walk and walk—I’m having no luck so far in the gift department, but I’ll get there.

We want to head back to a place on another piazza where we had lunch on our last trip. We learn after this long walk they’ve erected a stadium—for traditional Italian soccer right beside it. This greatly hampers the view we remember—but the food doesn’t disappoint.

Perfect pizza. Photo by Kayla.

And, there’s gelato after. Strawberry for me today. Yum.

Daily Gelato. Photo by BW

Kat takes Griffin back while the rest of the group walks—and walks—to the river and more glorious views. The water, the buildings, the rise of hills and the distant mountains. Kayla’s definitely getting a taste—in every way—of Florence.

Tree of life by Andrea Roggi. Photo by Kayla.
Uffizi Gallery. Photo by Kayla.

Back we go for a little respite, and Kat sneaks out to pick up a gift—and spies a nearby restaurant for dinner—AND bless her, scores some Veuve for me! More Bellinis!

Kayla wants to tutor me on taking proper Instagram photos and has a vision. Down we go where she sits on the steps in front of our impressive door. But the light’s just wrong, and we both agree there, so we move down to the next impressive door.

I get an A plus from Kayla on my lesson! It helps my subject is so pretty.

A little terrace time, and it’s head out to dinner.

Kat also has a good eye, and the restaurant with its cheerful servers and outdoor seating under roof is perfect.

Indoor/outdoor dining. Photo by Nora.
Saluti! Photo by j a-b

So is the food. And the wine. And the company.

It’s busy and lively and just fun.

Table full. Photo by BW

Griffin and I both get spaghetti pomodoro, but I believe the boy out-ate me. He can pack in the pasta. Then there’s dolce—more mmmm. And complimentary lemoncello—BW and I are the only takers there.

We roll home, full to the gills.

But I work off a little of that lovely dinner racing with Griffin and Kayla.

And we all crash.

As I write this, Griffin runs down the hall from his room. A happy morning boy. BW’s been up to make coffee, and Kat’s up and dressed. I’d better gear up and get my workout on!

Not sure what the plan is for the day, but I’m determined to cross some names off my gift list.


And now I’m pleased to present everyone’s favorite feature: #randomkatness

Did she climb on a roof? Zoom in from afar? You decide. ~Laura

Summer Daze

I love summer. I like the heat, the sun, the sudden wild storms, the bursting gardens. I love looking out my window and spotting a hummingbird at the feeder, or hovering over my flowers.

Just yesterday while I was deadheading roses, one of these little flying jewels hovered a foot away from me, watching—like: What’re you doing there? Then zipped over to the roses, fed on two or three before zipping up to a tree branch to rest a minute. Before doing it all again.

That’s a summer bright spot in so many ways to me.

I love being able to work all day, get my workout in, then pour myself a glass of wine and wander all around the gardens.

Too often on these happy journeys I rescue a plant Parker has inexplicably pulled out of a pot. And yes, I’ve tried everything. Hot sauce, cayenne, chili powder, dog repellent, etc, etc. He will not be deterred from this strange habit.

BW is building me benches so we can put the pots up higher on the back patio. I’ve already either done this, or tried to block off pots on the lower.

The deer got through all our efforts and munched on a good chunk of Black-Eyed Susans, but I can take it as I have multitudes—so many I plan to dig up twice as many next year as the massive amount I dug up and passed on or transferred this spring.

We’re also going to dig up a whole hell of a bunch of my yellow flags which have gone insane in the last couple of years. They’re crowding out one of my spirea, and blocking the water feature. I’ve got another place in mind for some, and am passing the rest to Jason and Kat who also have a place.

These babies like their feet wet, and since when I planted (a few!) of them a zillion years ago where we have an underground spring, they’ve grown to like it too much.

I’m also enjoying my new patio fountain. Several years ago we were given this great big white stone urn. It’s lovely, but we had no clue what to do with it. We’re just not great big white stone urn people. Then I discovered these solar powered disk things you can put in bird baths or other vessels.

So we did just that. Jason and BW hauled the big-ass (heavy!) urn out of the pool house and onto the lower patio. Filled it with water—and after we’d charged the solar thing, put it in.

A fountain!

We had our little gang up Friday night for pizza, and swimming after. It’s so great to be able to get together like this again, just spend an evening with family, watch the kids have fun.

Griffin also likes the gardens, and wandering (usually at warp speed) around. This weekend he discovered the bench under the huge Black Walnut tree, and spend a lot of time rolling the walnuts Kat would hand him off the bench. Then bouncing them off the end of the bench.

He makes his own fun.

I love spending time on Saturdays weeding my beds, talking to the flowers, deadheading faded blooms to encourage more. It’s not a chore for me, but a total Zen activity.

And I’m rewarded on those walks with wine most every evening.

I hope on this holiday weekend you’re able to—safely—gather with family and friends. And have something that offers you the easy joy my garden offers me.

I’m going to close with the ultimate in Random Katness. Those who followed the travelogue know BW found some buffalo fur in our yard (then Kat found more). Kat, in her Kat way devised a make-shift spinning wheel. (She actually has a real one at home.) She washed and dried the fur, spun it into yarn.

And she made this.

It now resides in our library, and will make me smile every time I see it.
