Field Report 1: RWA in San Diego

Monday’s trip to San Diego was smooth as could be — the only real adventure was watching our driver figure out the way to pack all of the bags and five women in.  Fortunately we had Kat on stand by to work her car magic just in case.

All the rooms, except Nora’s suite, were ready when we arrived. So did the only sensible thing: head down to eat by the pool. Margaritas, nachos and chips for all!

The continuing thread of the narrative this week will be the epic battle of heat v. cold.  I’m traveling with a group of thin skinned shiverers!  When we walk through any hall, go into any room, all I hear is a chorus complaining about how coooooold it is!   My advice to suck it up is met with great disdain.  But on Monday I was actually chilly in the shade with the stiff breeze.


We disbursed to unpack and settle. Then time to settle in on our balcony nest for the rest of the day.


20160712_151811Bed before 9 for everyone because we’re still on east coast time.

All of us were up early on Tuesday.  I took a walk with Jill Shalvis, while Nora and Kat tackled dvd workouts.  Then it was on to the serious part of the day: shopping.  We found interesting clothing stores, the Nordstrom Café for lunch, then some more shopping before heading back to check in for the conference.

Ruth and Nora

Once we checked in, it was back up to our balcony nest to listen to a concert and watch the water.  A lovely early dinner ended the first full day at conference.


8 thoughts on “Field Report 1: RWA in San Diego”

  1. Are you still there? Take the ferry over to Coronado and go to the Coronado Hotel for lunch. Just lovely and great shops over there!

  2. My answer for all my thin-skinned friends was to offer to strip if they wouldn’t put on a sweater. Got their attention every time. A young cousin of mine just arrived in San Diego after graduating from Annapolis. If you hear of any naval shenanigans, my guess is that Austin will be involved. Enjoy!

  3. I’m grumblesnorting to myself right now. Some people have all the luck. Laura knows two of my very most favorite romance authors and I’m a little green. Oh well.

    Hope you have fun.

  4. I feel your pain! I, too, am surrounded by a bunch of thin skinned whiners! lol!!! I just tell them to put a sweater on! Looking forward, as usual, to hearing of your adventures with Nora and gang!

  5. Wow! My old hometown is sure in luck in July. The Baseball All Star Game and the RWA. Enjoy those blue skies and another great lunch spot is one of the Mission Bay restaurants. 🙂

  6. What a lovely view!

    Now, I’m not saying anyone is getting older, but the older most of us get the colder we get. I used to wonder when working as an RN how all of these “older” people could be asking for more blankets while I was sweating while running from here to there starting IVs, doing CPR, writing orders, chasing down doctors, etc. Now I know! I’m sitting here in sweat pants, pajamas, and a very thick robe.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip. It sounds and looks like so much fun.

  7. We are ROASTING in southern Ontario right now it felt like about 40 degrees Celsius with the humidity today. That works out to 106f today for you that cant understand metric. 80% humidity you could just about swim through the air. There is little complaining about cold even from me and I am perpetually cold. Have fun shopping. 16 days until my marathon shopping trip.

  8. It takes all kinds to make the world… 😉 I guess. I’m on the hot field so when I’m chilled I welcome it ahahahah
    Have Fun and Enjoy Lots!

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