Random in Death teasers

We’re just over 4 days until Random in Death arrives in your hands/on your device/in your ear, so it’s time for some teasers. Just to clarify, that’s Tuesday, January 23.

First though, the official description:

Jenna’s parents had finally given in!  Here she was, at a New York club with her best friends, watching the legendary band Avenue A, carrying her demo in hopes of slipping it to the guitarist, Jake Kincade. Then, from the stage, Jake catches her eye, and smiles. It’s the best night of her life. It’s the last night of her life.

Minutes later, Jake’s in the alley getting some fresh air, and the girl from the dance floor comes stumbling out, sick and confused and deathly pale. He tries to help, but it’s no use. He doesn’t know that someone in the crowd has jabbed her with a needle—and when his girlfriend Nadine arrives, she knows the only thing left to do for the girl is call her friend, Eve Dallas.

Lab results show a toxic mix of substances in the victim’s body—and for an extra touch of viciousness, the needle was teeming with infectious agents. Dallas searches for a pattern, but there are no obvious clues why this levelheaded 16-year-old, passionate about her music, would be targeted.

And that worries Eve. Because if Jenna wasn’t targeted, if she was just the random, unlucky victim of a madman consumed by hatred, there are likely more deaths to come.

And if you didn’t read the excerpt, here you go: Prologue & Chap 1.

As always, the teasers are just Easter eggs to find while you read the book. I try not to spoil the case.

Honestly, I loved the ride of this book, and think you will too. Since I read it months ago, I had to do a re-skim for the teasers and still had that fun.

If you’ve happened to read an advance copy, please do not discuss the book in the comments. That thread will open on Tuesday. This one is for speculation. 

And now here we go:
Eve and Peabody acquire new (not official) titles.

Feeney gets a gift in return for his gift for pushing buttons.

Eve may have a hidden talent for offering comfort.

How will you do on breaking down the etymology of 2061 slang?

Cute is a dangerous word.

Sometimes there’s something wonderful in a rear-view mirror.

Fun is a relative thing.

When the opportunity to reduce yourself raises, take it.


35 thoughts on “Random in Death teasers”

  1. So looking forward to this book.
    💜all JD Robb/ Nora Roberts books.
    Live in Queensland Australia.

  2. Laura, did you mean etymology??

    Sorry to be a nitpick but I was curious about eymology

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I had it due for release on 4th February. You’ve made my week! I’m so glad I’m on annual leave from Wed next week.

  4. Auntie Das and Auntie Peeby (I can’t remember how Bella mispronounces Peabody’s name).

        1. Thank you. I missed the change. Will have to go back and read the last book again and catch that.

  5. Thank you Laura. I am so excited for this release. After each book I think “Nora can’t outdo this one” and another comes. 😊

  6. Anxiously waiting for the date. Nora you have such a gift in writing great stories. Thanks so much your sharing your gift.

  7. Nice teasers, can’t wait for the book, will be fun looking for them.

  8. I can’t wait for this new book. Trying to decide if I should wait to read on the 27th, since its my 70th birthday, and to cold to get out. Lol

  9. I am eagerly awaiting my birthday gift of this book. Read the prologue and 1st chapter. This one looks like it’s going be a great mystery. Thanks Laura and Nora.

  10. Wednesday next week? Just checking and so excited to stay put and just read…. TY

  11. I just read the excerpt. I don’t know how Nora does what she does, but I appreciate the emotional roller-coaster every time! I pre-ordered it already, I’ll be anxiously awaiting the ebook download.

  12. I loved this book already with the excerpt and even now more with the teasers! Come on Tuesday!

  13. I just love this series and the wonderful characters. It has been a fabulous ride watching Eve Dallas develop into the snarky, confident, homicide lieutenant she now is, in comparison to the defensive, withdrawn person of the first book. I understand and sympathise with her dislike for shopping and primping. Her distrust for technology is something else I fully understand although I’ve never had trouble with dispensing machines.
    Keep up the great work, I can’t wait for Random in death to arrive. Susan in Australia.

  14. Waiting patiently for 01/23/24 . ❤️
    I hope audible will deliver at midnight, will check and spend the early morning listen to it .

  15. SOOO Can’t wait for this!! I’ll be at my local B&N on Tuesday to pick it up!!

  16. Love the teasers, Laura. I print them out & hunt for them as I read.
    Really looking forward to Tuesday.

  17. Thank you Laura for posting these. I really enjoy trying to find these “Easter eggs”. It also slows my roll when I am reading. I tend to do my first read really really fast then go back for a second read right after. When I have the teasers I slow down and look for them. Looking forward to Tuesday!

  18. So very lucky – the nice postman delivered my autographed copy from Turn the Page bookstore yesterday. Very funny thing though – J. D. Robb signed it “Cam – enjoy! And signed it J. D. Robb 2023!” I’ve already done that a couple of times writing checks.

  19. I can’t wait. I can’t begin to tell you how much i love these books.

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