Provence, France Day 8

A good workout with some ant companions, a few of which insisted on joining me for yoga. We mostly managed to coexist.

We all walked, following one of Jason’s and Kat’s walking routes to the golf club for lunch. Lots and lots of lavender and herbs, flowering trees, unusual art along the way. A very fine lunch with views of the golf course and the hills beyond. And a solid walk back–mostly uphill, with a stop at an herb garden, scented especially with rosemary.

Reflection. Photo by j a-b
BW in buggy. Photo by j a-b
Art is everywhere at this resort. Photo by kat
Wall knife and BW. Photo by kat
Safely out of reach. Photo by j a-b
Today’s flora. Photo by kat

There’s a big, shiny, reflective silver ball. It has some depressions that makes me wonder if it’s representing a moon.* Now a little hang out time before our big adventure.

Still life. Photo by NR
Mirror of interesting luck with orchid. Photo by NR

As I lost my FitBit trail riding at the spa–hooked to the waistband of my jeans–I put this one in my pocket before we head out to drive to the horse farm. Windy, roundabout, then a very skinny road with curves. But it’s a short drive to a private dirt road that leads to an absolutely lovely spot with horses in paddocks, the forest everywhere, and still views of the hills.

Our guide greets us–her English is better than our French, and we’re shown our horses. Dark Spanish beauties. She say they’re cool–and I realize after a bit this is calm. I’m very fine with a calm horse. She sizes us up, assigns horses. We get our helmets, and lead our mounts into the exercise paddock. BW is mounted first–he’ll be behind the guide. Me next, then Jason, then Kat.

Riders up! Photo by j a-b’s phone.

We’re each to circle the ring a few times, at a walk, at a trot. I decide to pass my FitBit to BW, for his little saddlebag. Better safe than sorry. And off we go.

Down the little road, beside another paddock where a buckskin runs to the fence, runs down it as if to say: Take Me, Too!

The land’s beautiful, as are the views. My horse is sweet and responsive–and I like he’s not an ass-sniffer as so many trail horses will insist on tailgating the one in front. Jason’s likes to eat, so he’s dealing with that sneakiness. Kat’s is a very calm slow-poke.

A car comes along occasionally on this first leg, and over to the side we go. We pass other farms, pretty little houses, more horses, wind around–another car, and our guide tells us this is her uncle. A dirt stretch, and how about a trot. My mount–and her name never got through–has a very springy trot. I’m going to feel this tomorrow, I think. (I can now confirm this as true!)

Back to a road, and a steep ride down–no trotting. Around and around, all so pretty, Another dirt road, another trot. My glasses keep sliding down, so I have to rein with one hand and shove them up as I try to post–a good fast trot, too! Through olive groves with the hills spread out glowing in the early evening light.

Water on the trail. Photo by kat

And now we turn into the forest. After the VERY steep, very narrow track down where I put my faith in my horse. This is my favorite part of a really lovely ride. Thick woods, green light, dappled sun, and all quiet and timeless. Wild berry bushes like the ones above my own garden wall–and I believe our guide says something about wild boar and deer. I won’t think about the boar. Ducking under branches, soft dirt track–and here’s a branch you have to hold up as you ride.

I think of people who rode through forests like these hundreds of years ago.

We ride down toward the river–a dry bed in the drought. Jason’s horse not only likes to eat, but she wants to pass mine. Is determined. The first time she does it, mine kind of gets into it. A race! But then obviously decides live and let. I watch Jason’s horse give mine the side eye as it passes. Equine smirk.

Jason’s horse contemplating his moves. Photo by j a-b

But our guide says to be careful here as Jason’s mount likes to nip at BW’s mount’s butt. Mine isn’t a nipper or a sniffer, and just happily walks along.

We see the lake–that teal water soft in the quieter light. We cross what would be the river, a wide area where Jason’s horse stops to eat so my resumes his position. Kat’s is well back. Not only in no hurry she tells us later, but she all but hears her equine sighs. I’m tired! I need a nap! Not a clip clop, this one, but according to Kat, a clip–pause, pause–reluctant clop.

Tired horse with view. Photo by kat

BW’s having a great time up ahead, holding spates of conversation with our guide as she points out villages and hills. My horse is content to walk, falls back a few times, then on his own breaks into a bright little trot to catch up. Jason’s horse eats and passes mine. Eats, passes mine, and Kat’s clips . . . . . . . clops.

We circle back–road, houses, horses, the very beginning of a sunset, just that bright gold haloing the eastern hills.

And we’re back–a full 2 1/2 hours. I accept this is likely my limit on a horse. No way I could comfortably do a full day, even with a picnic lunch to break it up. But what an experience, and what a fine, beautiful horse.

Kat and BW take pictures, and I chat with our guide and her husband. I love Kat’s photo of her horse the best. Exhaustion! LOL.

Tired horse. Done. Photo by kat

There are riders in the ring, doing jumps, and one on a gorgeous mount is our guide’s sister, who competes. She’s a joy to watch.

Beauty in the ring. Photo by BW

A friend or relative sits at a picnic table with her recently adopted American Pit Bull–or I think that’s the breed. He is HAPPY. And instantly, as dogs are, in love with Jason. I explain we have three dogs at home, so his joy and enthusiasm aren’t a problem. The husband brings out their dog–so handsome! And beautifully trained.

Dog pals. Photo by kat

Then we have yet another treat. Our guide has adopted a twenty-year-old former bullfighting horse from Spain. A stallion. He rushes the fence when we approach–apparently he’d like to kill the horse the sister’s riding in the ring! You can see where he’s chewed on the paddock gate.

He breaks everything, our guide tells us. Then she goes in, and there’s such love. This horse loves her completely. He nuzzles, rubs, his whole body changes when she’s beside him. And that love is clearly mutual. She uses a whisk of straw to have him prance. And he stands so proudly.

The Spanish stallion. Photo by BW

I suppose he’s bilingual as she tells us she doesn’t speak Spanish.

We linger quite awhile. This is a happy, lovely and obviously loving place.

Back to the hotel, and we need a little food as we didn’t graze like the horses on the trail. Kat wants soup, and has figured out how to make little grilled cheese sandwiches with our supplies and the hot dish we held back from another meal. Clever, as always.

Kat making dinner. Photo by j a-b

We eat, and well, talk about our adventure, comparing horses and impressions.

Off to bed.

Yes, my butt feels it this morning! But we’ll see what a workout will do.

I had a different visitor today. A big gray cat who wandered it, slithered under the pool gate to drink. Meowed at me, but wouldn’t approach before she wandered off again.

New workout companion. Photo by NR

We’re driving to Fayence today to see what we can see.

I’ve ridden through the forests of Provence on a Spanish horse. That’s one for the memory book.


* Note from Laura. That’s probably the #randomkatness from Day 5 that I thought was the home of the Guardians of the Fountain.

Today’s #randomkatness

Nails of art. Photo by kat

18 thoughts on “Provence, France Day 8”

  1. I enjoy France as much as you by reading your narration.Thank you. Elsie from South Africa.

  2. Horseback riding through the French countryside. Sigh! How perfect!

  3. In June I met a couple who had fallen in love and been happily married for several decades…they met horseback riding in Provence!

  4. Riding on a Spanish horse through the forest in Provence is definitely a wonderful memory. Sigh. Great pictures and of course your words bring everything to vivid life. Thank you.

  5. Love the broken mirror and flowers–very interesting. Thanks for sharing your fun.

  6. Kudos to all for great pictures, so beautiful. I laughed out loud at the tired horse and startled my bird. What an actor! The color of the show horse’s coat is just amazing. I’ve a feral cat that comes daily to supervise my gardening. They’re aloof, but wanting that face time with humans, I guess. As always, thanks so much for sharing your holiday time with us.

  7. I look for your post, before checking any of my emails. I haven’t ridden horses in decades- the last time, my horse’s rear legs slipped on a rocky path going downhill. That put me off doing it again. Your riding sounds divine- and that stallion is magnificent.

  8. Another lovely travelogue – thank you. The glasses in the bar that are out of reach – don’t they need to use them for drinks? Is there a way to lower them? It’s a puzzle. The horse ride sound wonderful. I think Kat’s horse probably thought, “Home at last! Enough of this exercise!”

  9. Loved the horses. Last time I was on a horse I was 13, and the horse went up and I went downhill.

  10. I think you have a fan club of ants! Lol! Beautiful scenery again. And love the picture of the tired horse at the end of the ride. You’re having a wonderful time. Making so many memories.

  11. Love the photo of BW by Kat! So funny and cute. The nail art is beautiful. I love all the #RandomKatness . Kat seems awesome, like someone you would love to have as a bestie, someone to take on adventures!

  12. Thanks for all wonderful pictures and travelogue. I loved the picture of the blanket flower. I grow them in my garden here in South Dakota.

  13. Spanish horses, forest, and quiet. Sounds like a perfect day.
    I love Kats horse at the end.

  14. What a horse ride – definitely one for the memory book. The horses were amazing.

  15. Wonderful travelogue! I enjoy following you all on your adventures!! ???. Stay safe?

  16. Awesome, just awesome. Have you gone riding in Ireland yet? We didn’t when we went but my doctor did when she went and said it was as amazing and magical as you can imagine.

    When we first got our horses 20-some years ago oh how I remember the sore butt! Had to work up to going horse camping with friends and riding all day every day. And that was on Tennessee Walkers, gaited horses with, thankfully, no trot. (If you haven’t tried one of those you really must one day!) I spent all my young life on quarter horses (Texan) but after riding a gaited horse will never ride any other – it’s a completely different and more comfortable experience.

    …and my thoughts when camping and riding in the mountains and streams of southwest Virginia were just like yours, thinking of the cowboys and families and wagons that traveled miles and miles as their only means of travel. Some from here to California. Wows me every time.

  17. Loved the picture of Kat’s horse. It looks so tired and is absolutely adorable.

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