Montana – Day 9

As the guys left early for Glacier, and Kat’s doing a webinar test, I write for a couple hours after my workout. It’s just the right amount of time, and in synchronicity, Kat peeks in just as I’m finishing up to see if I want to go over for lunch.

Close it down, happily, and off we go. We do the buffet, and have a nice, easy girl lunch on the porch. Not too hot, not too cool.

Girls just wanna do lunch/NR

On the way back we spot one of the big steers right next to the fence. This time I get out to take the shot. As I do, I spot some little ducks swimming by. I tried to get a decent shot of them, but those little guys were fast!

When we come back we work out some details for the baby shower for next month. It’s getting close! We re-send some as yet unveiled e-vites, play with some menu ideas, cake design.

Now this is a fun girl time!

The guys get back. Part of Glacier was closed due to a fire, but they got to see a good chunk and have pictures to prove it.

Jason’s Glacier Album:

Bruce’s Glacier album:

It’s barbecue night! Off we go, and have a serious dinner and show. Tons of food—mmm, pulled pork with bbq sauce on warm tortillas? Yes, I believe I will.


We have live music to go with it, and are right next to the stage. As the band plays, a kid of about eight runs up on stage and starts flossing. He’s good, and so damn happy. The crowd starts clapping in time, and the band leader calls out: Let’s hear it for the kid!

A couple others go up, and they’re adorable, but this kid is the flossing champ.

By now mama-to-be is tired, but BW wants to stay for the next set. Kat and I start back, Jason heads out on foot, and BW says he’ll find his way when he’s ready.

As we’re leaving Kat and I see something run into high grass. Dog-sized, but it didn’t move like a dog. We slow down, and see two little fawns. So sweet!

Back home, Kat wants to relax in the tub, Jason comes along.

And we spy a gorgeous sunset out the window. Must take pictures. I grab shoes as I want to go down a bit, try for another angle. And we see a bunch of nut shells on the edge of the porch by the steps that weren’t there when we got home.

The squirrels leave little piles on the porches regularly, but this is really big, and had to be made really quick. Jason decides, as we can hear the music from the main resort, there was a squirrel date. Dinner and a show. 

BW finally winds his way back, and it’s time for bed.

Workout done. It’s still pretty cool this morning. I’m thinking about booking a facial, reading a book, taking a walk later. It’s a whatever day. I think tomorrow we’ll head into the nearby ghost town, but we’re sticking close to home today.


In today’s #randomkatness:

At that point where you bring your own serving tray/j a-b

17 thoughts on “Montana – Day 9”

  1. No wonder Kat was tired, that’s a full day. The sunset is gorgeous. And the pile of shells, such fun to speculate! The human food looks fantastic. I think it would be difficult to decide.

  2. That’s steer shot was brave of you. Eve would be impressed. And the sunset shots are beautiful. I’m really enjoying your posts. We are having flooding rains here in the Northeast. They are getting around by kayak in some New Jersey streets. I’m glad you are having no rain, only great weather.

  3. So glad you are enjoying your vacation. We stopped by the your book store in Boonsboro on the way to Annapolis MD. Such a charming town and loved your store. Would have been a dream come true if we had gone a week earlier and gotten to meet you. That’s still on my Bucket List. And staying at the Inn is on there also. So enjoy your books. They have gotten me through some rough times in my life. Thank you.

  4. I feel for Kat being pregnant in the summer. My daughter was born 30 years ago today! Another reader mentioned ginger for car sickness, try the ginger pills. My daughter made sure we took ours last weekend when we went our 4th annual winery tour in a limousine. Oregon wine country in our Eugene area is windy roads, all the champagne and wine tasting, those pills help.

  5. Kat is blooming! That bbq lunch sounds just perfect. The pictures are awesome, it’s fabulous seeing such a wonderful place from so many perspectives! Especially all the way over here in the uk when I know I won’t see it in real life! Have a wonderful time.

    Laura I hope your healing well!

  6. The pictures of Glacier are beautiful! Glad they were able to get in and see the park. Girl time for you and Kat sounded just right, and the pictures you took are lovely. I love the random Kat ness picture! Always nice when baby can help out. The nut shells and your description are hilarious. Thank you again for sharing your vacation with us.

  7. As practically all of Utah has been plagued by fires for most of the summer, I feel for the guys not getting to do the whole Glacier thang. Fires here have caused lots of ickies statewide and the air quality is horrible. And sadly, earlier this week, we lost one of our local firefighters to one of the blazes currently raging in Mendocino, California, a battalion chief from a neighboring city. So, if you see any of those Zullies again, or other firefighters around where you are vacationing, thank them for us all. Hug them for us all. Hard.

    Glad you’re able to get some writing in, and the workouts too. When I vacation, the only part I’d share with you wouldn’t be the working or working out. If would be eating. That’s pure vacation to me, and the food pictures you’re sharing look mighty tasty.

    Kat glows, doesn’t she? She looks amazing, and you look great as well. Happy times to you and the gang. Thanks for sharing. And, Laura: thanks, too, for all you do.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your vacation with us. The pictures are amazing. Seeing them are likely as close as I’ll ever get to Montana.

  9. Love all the photographs. And the pictures of the food are truly drool worthy! Loving your time in Montana. And thank you once again for working during your vacation. We, your readers, are truly spoiled and blessed to have you. Never change, never stop!

    1. P.s. Nora, you should take a photo of Jason, Kat and baby bump then have said photo made into a puzzle for the baby shower.

  10. Enjoying the pictures and the news of each of your vacation. Glad you get to kick back and enjoy time with your family.
    Laura how’d the eye surgery go?

  11. This has been bugging me for several days. As someone who has lived in the area where Nora and family are vacationing (beautiful country), how did Jason and BW make a trip to Glacier National Park, with sightseeing and photography, in one day?

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